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Community Preservation MInutes, September 12, 2005
Community Preservation Committee

Minutes, September 12, 2005, Community Preservation Committee Meeting

Present:        Community Preservation Committee members: Bob Wilber (Chairman), J.T. Toole, Karen Gray, Laura Spear, Kathy Sferra, John Bolton, and George Dargaty Associate Members: Margie Lynch and Bill Maxfield
        Administrative Assistant: Deb Seith

The meeting was called to order with quorum at 7:38 PM

August 8, 2005 minutes: Laura moved, John seconded and approval was unanimous to accept the minutes as amended (except from Kathy and J.T. who abstained).

Committee Member Dave Walrath (Vice-Chairman) joined the meeting at this time.

·       We received a notice from the Stow Planning Board.  There will be a public hearing on October 11, 2005, at 8:45pm, in the Town Hall, on proposed amendments to the Stow Zoning Bylaw.  
·       We received a form for the Town’s vehicle, property, and liability claims.  Deb will file it in the CPC file cabinet (located on the 3rd floor, store room of Town Hall).
·       Bob mentioned the CPA’s fundraiser to be held on October 6th.
·       We received an updated copy of the Town Directory.  Action Item: Deb will make a copy for all CPC members.


Red Acre Road Affordable Housing & Red Acre Road Open Space
·       Laura drafted 2 warrant articles to rescind the original articles.  In light of the current law suit she suggested that this might not be the best time to move forward.  Bob agreed & said he had spoken with Bill Wrigley who also supported waiting.
·       J.T. asked how long we should hold off (as the law suit could take a while to resolve).
·       John agreed that the law suit may go on for a few years & suggested that we “play it by ear” and at least see where things stand at the next Town Meeting before making any decisions.
Cushing Property – 61B
Kathy started off the discussion by giving a quick update to the Committee (bullets below)
·       After speaking with Bill Wrigley, it was agreed that two separate studies should be done by the School Building Committee and the Mixed Use Working Group.
·       The Working Group received 3 bids from consultants.  The lowest bid was accepted from Beals and Thomas, Inc. for $10,500.
·       The Conservation Committee voted and agreed to pay for 1/3 of the study – up to $5000.
·       The Working Group met with B&T on the morning of September 12, 2005.  They discussed how B&T should look at the land uses:  what parcels the land owner will retain, ball fields, open space, possible lots for affordable housing or market rate housing.
·       The next meeting with B&T is scheduled for September 30th.  B&T will submit their first draft of concept plans.
·       The land owner cancelled the perk tests.
·       The land owner refused the Town access to the property (it is unclear why).
·       B&T is comfortable going forward with their study – they believe they can accomplish what we need without gaining access to the property.  The School Building Committee seemed less comfortable and is meeting tonight to discuss how to proceed.
·       The Selectmen met last Thursday & are closing the Warrant tomorrow (September 13th).
Group discussion began at this point
·       Bob noted that since Minute Man Property is coming online, some people are looking at this as an either-or situation but Bob is really encouraging people not to do that.  He commented that this may be a real opportunity for the Town to play a proactive role in this area of town (where there isn’t a great deal of open space).
·       Bob also mentioned that the Stow Conservation Trust has pledged 10% of the purchase price and self-help grants can be applied for.
·       Bob said that he and Kathy had been working on a warrant article to serve as a place holder for the Special Town Meeting.  Margie asked if we place the article can we, at a later date, “take it back.”  It was agreed that, should the need arise, we can urge “no action.”
·       George asked if the School Building Committee decides not to proceed with Cushing, would they oppose another committee doing so.  Kathy thought that as long as the proposal did not raise taxes then they (School Building Committee) would probably not have a problem with it.
Kathy distributed the Draft Cushing Warrant Article for review
·       Suggestions were made by various committee members regarding wording and Kathy will update the article accordingly.  
·       Laura voiced concerns about this being a CPC article versus the CPC supporting the article.  She questioned who the article is/should be coming from.  She worried that if the CPC took ownership of it, there may be a conflict with funding when it came to dealing with the marketable housing.
·       It was discussed that the Selectmen may submit their own article to buy the land for general municipal uses (but this would most likely be tied to a ballot question) and that in addition to their article a second article should be submitted should the first be defeated.  The second article as we understand it would not require a ballot question.
·       Dave made a motion that the CPC submit this article for the Special Fall Town Meeting and invite the co-sponsorship of the Board of Selectmen. J.T. seconded and approval was unanimous to accept the motion.   

Action Item:  J.T. and George will both request copies of their appointment letter from their respective committees.

·       Laura will see if the Planning Board will re-visit the idea of contributing to the Mixed-Use Study fee.
·       Laura spoke with Ernie who said that the sidewalk has not been completed yet due to issues with ADA compliance.
·       DHCD – we still have not received a response to Bob’s letter sent in August.
·       Action Item:  Margie will discuss the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCH) issue with Sarah Young (Deputy Director for Policy, DHCD) this Friday.  She will send out an email update asap.   If Sarah’s response is not favorable, then Action Item:  Bob will email Senator Pam Resor and Representative Pat Walrath.
·       Town Hall Sprinkler System: Karen said that Liz Painter has been appointed as the Historical Commission’s point person and she is extremely busy right now so it might be a little while before we receive the formal request.
·       John bought the Quick Books program for Deb and Deb will start getting acquainted with it so that she can track the CPC budget for the committee.

NEXT MEETING Monday, September 26, 2005 at 7:30PM

The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Deb Seith
CPC Administrative Assistant